Categories/Themes for Research Paper

The basic theme of Shodh Shikhar-2024 is "Progression from Developing to Developed India"The event will be in five Key sub themes.

Entries must be research based work of original nature addressed to current priorities of the national issues and governments initiatives i.e., Digitalization, Waste Management, Pollution Control, Climate Change, Green India, New Business Models, Renewable Energy, Cyber Security, Emerging Technologies, Science of Yoga, Indian Defense System, etc.  Any other topic related to the theme of the conference is also acceptable.

·      1. Innovation and Technology: -

·    Innovative Technologies

·    Digital Solutions 

·    Entrepreneurship for Inclusive Development

2.   Agriculture and Allied Sciences 

·    Crop Farming

·    Forest Development and Conservation 

·    Agricultural Biotechnology

·    Agricultural Technology

·    Agricultural Economics

·    Plant Breeding

3.   Contemporary Science and Technology

·   Basic and Applied Science including Indian Knowledge System

4.  Environmental Sustainabilty

·   Exploring solutions for Environmental Conservation

·   Climate Change Mitigation  

·   Sustainable Resource Management 

5.  Economic Development

·   Strategies for Sustainable Economic Growth 

·   Job Creation 

·   Rural Management

·   Urban Management

·   Financial Inclusion 

·   Financial Literacy and Poverty Alleaviation

    (a) Social Inclusion 

    (b) Governance and Industrial Reform